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Is rubber flooring mats durable?

The quick answer is: yes! Super durable, in fact.

Rubber flooring is specially designed to stand up to high-traffic areas. it can hold up to hundreds of people walking over it for days on end.

Of course, durability varies between products.

All rubber is durable for your high-traffic and commercial spaces. When it comes to gym and playground flooring, that’s where it gets a little more tricky.

While the common misconception is that thicker rubber means higher durability, that’s not really true. The thickness is more of a bodyguard for your subfloor, with thicker rubber protecting your subfloor from heavier weights.

Durability, however, is about density. A super dense rubber is super tough and durable, while a low-density rubber can be ripped apart with your bare hands.

Vulcanized and virgin rubber are the most durable, while eco rolls are the least. If you need superb durability, make sure to avoid those eco options.

rubber flooring